浮世絵 猫
金魚づくし 百ものがたり
Series “Goldfish Miscellany”:Hyakumonogatari

You can also see goldfish and cats co-starring in the popular series "Kingyo Zukushi."The cat's expression looks very malicious as it threatens the goldfish who are enjoying the ghost story. There are goldfish flipping over, goldfish running away, and some goldfish bravely trying to fight back, and the movements of each individual are depicted in an interesting way.
其まま地口 猫飼好五十三疋
Cats Suggested as the 53 Post-Stations Towns Along Tokaido

「三島」には、“三毛ま”と記され、手ぬぐいをかぶって踊る三毛猫が。この猫、よく見るとしっぽが二又に分かれた妖怪“猫又”であることがわかります。三毛の猫又で、“三毛ま”→三島 という地口です。この手ぬぐいをかぶって踊る猫又、他の作品にも描かれているのでぜひ探してみてください。
“Jiguchi” is a play on words. This work is full of ideas, expressing each of the 53 stations of the Tokaido with puns associated with cat gestures.
In ``Mishima,'' a calico cat wearing a tenugui is dancing. If you look closely, you will see that this cat is a monster called a nekomata with a forked tail. Nekomata dancing while holding a tenugui are also depicted in other works, so be sure to look for them.
Playful Old Tales: An Old Cat Changing into a Monster at an Old Temple

“Nekosoudoumono” is a Kabuki play that was popular from the late Edo period. In ancient times, there was a ningyo joruri that combined the Imagawa family's household disturbances and bakeneko, and the curse of the bakeneko also came to be depicted in connection with household disturbances. This work depicts a scene in which a cat monster called Nekomata and the ghost of an old woman named Ohaguro appear. The true nature of the monster cat is dynamically expressed through a bold technique that connects three pictures.
Cat juggler with a Ball

擬人化された猫が様々な曲手まりの芸を披露しています。それぞれの芸は、右上から「はしご登り」「くわへまり」「乱ぐい渡り」「扇子留メ」「ゆび廻し」「つまみまり」「冠付」「八重桜」「文字書」を描いています。着物にも注目してみると、鈴や小判など、猫に関連付けた柄が描かれています。鞠を使った芸を披露する猫たちの表情や仕草までもが愉快な作品です。An anthropomorphic cat performs various tricks using a ball.If you look at the kimono, you will see patterns related to cats, such as bells and coins.The expressions and gestures of the cats performing tricks with the ball are also heart-warming.
猫の当字 ふぐ
“Fugu(Blowfish)”in Cat Letters

The “Neko no Atezi'' series creates letters by layering several cats. In this work, the words "cat" and "blowfish" overlap to form the word "fugu".The gestures and facial expressions of the creatures, such as the silhouette of a cat and the frowning face of a puffer fish, are drawn in fascinating detail.
おぼろ月猫の盛 Entertainment Under a Hazy Moon
猫の左仮 Neko no Sakari

Immediately after the Tenpo Reforms, it was difficult to depict the true appearance of the red light district, so Kuniyoshi used anthropomorphic cats to depict the scene. “Oborozuki Neko no Mori'' depicts a red-light district in Edo, and ``Neko no Sakari'' depicts a lively banquet. In "Neko no Sakari" a male cat wearing a yukata on the right side of the screen and a geisha cat on the left appear to be playing with their hands. Also notice the facial expressions of each cat, with the black spots on their heads looking like hairstyles.