浮世絵 金魚と鯉
Singing ‘bonbon’ song

Kuniyoshi's popular series “Goldfish Miscellany” is a cute anthropomorphic goldfish. This work depicts children walking hand in hand while singing the “Bonbon Song” during the Obon period, and the world of anthropomorphic goldfish is interestingly expressed in every detail. The fan held by the goldfish becomes a net, and the algae in the water resembles a willow tree.

いかだに乗る金魚と船に乗る蛙がすれ違い、何か会話をしているようです。江戸当時では、最も粋な職業とされていた“船頭”を擬人化金魚で描いた作品です。ひれをまくり上げた姿からはまさに“船頭”のカッコ良さが表現されています。 遠くの鳥や、いかだが進む静かな水の流れが趣のある作品になっています。
Series “Goldfish Miscellany”—Raftsmen. A goldfish on a raft and a frog on a boat pass each other and seem to be having a conversation. This is a work depicting a "boatman", which was considered the most stylish profession in the Edo period, as an anthropomorphic goldfish. The figure with its fins rolled up truly represents the coolness of a "boatman." The birds in the distance and the calm flow of water along which the raft moves make for an atmospheric piece.
Imayo Ise Monogatari

“Ise Monogatari” is a short story about waka poems, featuring Ariwara Narihira, an aristocrat from the early Heian period, as the main character, and the story revolves around the main character's love life. This is a work that expresses that story in a modern way during the Edo period.There are goldfish swimming in a nice aquarium. You can get a glimpse of how goldfish were loved by everyone from the nobility to the common people during the Edo period.
Goldfish and Killifish

This work depicts goldfish and medaka fish gathering around some debris floating in the water. You can see the atmosphere similar to the flower and bird paintings on hanging scrolls, which depict fish gathering around flower petals that have fallen on the water surface. The composition is such that the undulations of the bodies of the goldfish and medaka create movement throughout the screen, and the atmospheric underwater space is beautiful.
Look-Alike Goldfish with Actors’ Expressions

This work features portraits of actors in the form of goldfish and turtles. You can imagine the actors depicted from the patterns on each body. The goldfish on the screen with a double bellflower drawn on its back is the second generation Kuzo Ichikawa. The turtle whose shell is decorated with shikanjima stripes, which were popular as kimono patterns during the Edo period, is believed to be the fourth generation of Utaemon Nakamura. This is a work typical of Kuniyoshi, where cuteness and humor intertwine with the actor paintings.
Sakata Kaidomaru

Kaidomaru is known as Kintaro. Its appearance was depicted in many ukiyo-e paintings during the Edo period. This work depicts a scene in which Kaidomaru, whose superhuman strength is used to exterminate demons, effortlessly lifts a carp larger than himself. It is said that the combination of Kaidomaru, who is successful in his career, and the carp, which climbs a waterfall and becomes a dragon, represents the people's hopes for the growth of boys. The expression of Kaidomaru's expression and skin color, as well as the force of the carp and the splashing of the water, create a lively and dynamic screen.
Oniwakamaru Fighting with a Huge Carp

”Musha-e,” which depict historical heroes and military commanders and their scenes, was a popular genre of ukiyo-e at the end of the Edo period, along with bijinga, actor-e, and landscape paintings. Kuniyoshi occupies an important position as a pioneer. Eight of Kuniyoshi's beloved paintings,”Oniwakamaru Fighting with a Huge Carp,” will be on display.The carp is drawn one size larger than Oniwakamaru (sometimes the carp is drawn not only one size but many times larger), dynamically expressing the main character Oniwakamaru who confronts him. Even though the works depict the same scene, the details such as Oniwakamaru's standing posture, the movement of the carp, and the splashing of water are all worth seeing. Please enjoy the dynamism of the "cool" battle scenes that Kuniyoshi has continued to research.